
Arthur Carlos Chagas Diniz Filho (M)


Since 2003 when I started Crescimentum, my goal was to change the world, 15 years have passed and the purpose remains the same, turning people into extraordinary leaders and companies into more sustainable and humane organizations, and to my delight we have more than 90 employees helping in accomplishing this purpose. I believe that for a more humane leadership, female empowerment is a necessary and urgent practice not only in the corporate world, but in society as a whole. Today we seek to discuss and think about actions in the Crescimentum to empower our employees and promote gender equity, guaranteeing an improvement in women's quality of life through their inclusion in the organization's decision-making processes, egalitarian remuneration, health, safety and wellness, demonstrating that men and women complement each other at work and, together, drive results in the business. Today we seek to be an example within Crescimentum itself, so we can positively influence our clients and other stakeholders. Crescimentum has served more than 1,600 companies (national and multinational) and has trained more than 160,000 people, helping companies and leaders to deliver more results and in an increasingly human way. Now we also want to be able to assist in the implementation of female empowerment through our consultancies and trainings. Today we are already doing this through our training on "Feminine Leadership" and open events that address this theme. And I know this is just a beginning!

General Information

WEPs signatory since 26 April 2019
51-200 employees


Between 51% and 80% women employees.

Between 30% and 50% women at management level.

Less than 30% women on boards/executive team/partners.


Business Support Services


Americas and the Caribbean