Michael Fildes (M)
Growing up in a single parent household and watching my mother work harder and longer than her male counterparts, only to be paid much lower and overlooked for promotion, was as wrong then, as it is today. Embedding and championing gender equality is a moral responsibility that I take very personally and fortunately, I am in a position of influence to implement change and work for a company that promotes an open culture; allowing everyone’s voice to be heard, regardless of gender, race or sexuality. Absolute equality and giving women a level platform to flourish and advance, is the right step, in the right direction, to building a better tomorrow. Empowering women, empowers us all.
General Information
Between 51% and 80% women employees.
Between 51% and 80% women at management level.
Between 51% and 80% women on boards/executive team/partners.
Progress - 2021
Percentage of women and men employees
- 61 - 65%
- 36 - 40%