CEO Clubs Network

Tariq Ahmed Nizami (M)


• CEO Clubs pays tribute to the vision, innovation, commitment and achievements of women who are making a difference in our community in UAE, GCC, Africa, Asia, South America and other parts of the world. When we achieve true equality, we all benefit Women are now leading at every level of society, from arts, to politics, to science & technology and in business. It is clear however that there’s still much more to do in some societies and women are doing it. * Women has emerged as a shining model for many other countries in the region and the rest of the world, not only because of its qualitative achievements but also for the increasing role that women play in the local community, something that qualifies them to shoulder major responsibilities in nation building. * Any country cannot grow or achieve targets if the Governments ignore women’s who are more than 50 % of most of the countries. Education is the key to women empowerment, I believe empowering Women around the world is to ensure better world to live. We are all are human being with equal rights  women or men with freedom of choice. CEO Clubs even have Business Women Division with all women board members to focus on business women needs.

General Information

WEPs signatory since 14 January 2018
Private M
51-200 employees




United Arab Emirates
Arab States