Centro de Autoria e Cultura LTDA | Letrus


Thiago Rached Pereira (M)


We have learned throughout the years that female leadership is essential to the culture and company that we are building. They usually demonstrate a more structured and holistic perspective of the challenges we face, they are more patient, conscious and assertive of the risks involved in a decision, they have a more empathic understanding of other people's interests and feelings and they are more collaborative on a daily basis, among other aspects that differentiate them as leaders. Currently, Letrus have 59% of women throughout the company, 63% among our leaders from all levels which show our commitment to increasing the number of women at Letrus. That does not come for granted and inclusion speaks as loud as diversity, meaning that we have to adapt our policies and environment to make Letrus a suitable place for women, including extended maternity leave, childcare reimbursement, flexible workload, among other initiatives. Furthermore, I believe that our commitment to bringing more women to decision-making positions is first and foremost about building a better business and leveraging our impact and we are happy that it contributes to gender diversity within and outside our company.

General Information

WEPs signatory since 10 January 2024
Private F/M
51-200 employees


Internet Software and Services


Americas and the Caribbean