Ankara Chamber of Industry


Seyit Ardiç (M)

Chairman of the Board

Established in 1963 to support industrial development and industry focused growth, Ankara Chamber of Industry (ASO) has the vision of making Ankara, the capital of Türkiye, a leading industrial city using advanced technology and producing sustainable high added value with over 8500 members in 40 Professional Committees. ASO, entitled with the "Gender Equality Sensitive Workplace Certificate", works for encouraging women entrepreneurs being the Coordinator Chamber of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye (TOBB) Ankara Women Entrepreneurs Board with above 300 members; increasing the women participation at management level in companies by conducting projects and supporting the ones implemented by women associations and NGOs; ensuring balanced gender distribution in services provided including trainings, seminar, project activities as well as adopting gender sensitive approach and providing equal working conditions for Chamber’s employees. To further the efforts for supporting women in working life, ASO as a pioneer in Ankara, has appointed a woman member for the Executive Board, designated a woman delegate for TOBB, increased the number of women members by 67% in the Assembly and 110% in the Professional Committees and raised the number of women directors working at the Chamber. By signing and adopting WEPs on behalf of ASO, I proudly commit to introducing WEPs to our members and encouraging and guiding them to become signatories; supporting UN Women in their efforts to promote and disseminate WEPs through our members; taking principles as pillars of Chamber’s employee policy and hence to contributing to strengthen and honor the perception of women in Turkish Industry by supporting the equal representation of women at all levels.

General Information

WEPs signatory since 21 February 2023
51-200 employees


Business Support Services


Europe and Central Asia