Altree Capital


Jenni Chamberlain (F)


Women are 50% of the global population and should have a seat at every table. Altree invests with a Gender-Lens and Climate-Smart approach to every investment in order to achieve gender equality and ensure climate-smart outcomes (adaptation and mitigation) through each investment. Investments are aligned with the Paris Agreement and the 2X gender criteria. Women are at the nexus of climate change and in particular, we see the women in our pipeline companies are strong benefit multipliers, early adopters of climate change mitigation and adaptation technologies and strategies. Funding women-led or oriented businesses is critical to achieving the SDGs, not only gender-equality and climate action, but all the SDGs.

General Information

WEPs signatory since 08 March 2023
Private F
11-50 employees


Asset Management


South Africa
Eastern and Southern Africa