Alarko Holding A.Ş.

Ümit Nuri Yildiz (M)


At Alarko Holding, we believe in the fundamental principle of equal opportunities. Regardless of gender, we are committed to providing a level playing field where merit, talent, and dedication are the benchmarks for career advancement.We will continue to work towards improving gender equality both within Alarko and in the broader community as a significant component of our sustainability initiatives shaped under our "Value for the Future" motto. Our dedication to women empowerment principles is a testament to our belief in a workplace where everyone, regardless of gender, has the opportunity to thrive and contribute meaningfully. As we continue on our journey of growth and success, I am confident that our commitment to gender equality will not only strengthen our organization but also inspire positive change in the broader societal context.

General Information

WEPs signatory since 09 January 2024
5001-10,000 employees


Multi-Sector Holdings


Europe and Central Asia

Annual Report