Agric-Care Uganda Limited


Rokani Lawrence (M)


At Agric-Care Uganda Limited, we fully support the Women's Empowerment Principles and commend this global initiative by WEPs. Empowering women and promoting gender equality aligns with our core values as a company and makes sound business sense. By implementing policies and practices that build women's capacity, ensure their safety, and provide equal opportunities to rise into leadership roles, we are unlocking the full potential of our workforce. The WEPs platform provides a roadmap for companies to foster inclusion, close gender pay gaps, and support women entrepreneurs in our supply chains. I urge business leaders across Uganda to join us in endorsing these Principles because together, we can create more prosperous and equitable workplaces, markets and communities.

General Information

WEPs signatory since 06 October 2023
Private M
11-50 employees




Eastern and Southern Africa