Agriac Global co.,Ltd


Maiprae loyen (F)

Managing Director / CEO

Women's empowerment is one of the core values of our company. In the agriculture sector, the word "farmer" invariably implies a male farmer. Women's work is usually disguised as they are referred to as "housewives" or "farmers’ wives". But the fact is, women are increasingly heading rural households, and are the chief economic providers for their families. However women's productivity is severely constrained by the fragmentation of their time, as well as their dual and triple responsibilities at home and in the workplace. Our work aims to empower women farmers to have rights, integrate technology into their practices, provide them with access to outside ideas, information, service and knowledge, to engage in skill sharing for improved agricultural operations, and access credit for investment in production and knowledge on health and good nutrition, so that they can develop the resilience to withstand the challenges of their profession in farming. As a woman, I believe it is our duty to support this objective. A gender equal and equitable society is the only way forward to ensure a sustainable world for generations to come.

General Information

WEPs signatory since 15 September 2022
Private F
11-50 employees




Asia and the Pacific