Advance Manufacturers Co., Ltd


Narin Kulisra (M)

Managing Director

Here at Advance Manufacturers Co., Ltd, we are a family. For us family means a nurturing working culture that provides support, flexibility and a healthy work environment. We are dedicated to the empowerment and respect of women in the workplace, and our company's corporate gender balance- in which women form the majority - stands as testament to this. Focusing on programs that ensure that our female employees feel supported, valued, respected and safe in the workplace has been a key factor in our success and as we grow as a company, we place a huge emphasis on this. We are committing to implement the WEPs because the principles align with our company philosophy and we want to push ourselves continuously learn and improve ourselves in every which way possible in regards to supporting gender equality and women's empowerment.

General Information

WEPs signatory since 20 July 2022
Private F/M
201-500 employees


Luxury Apparel


Asia and the Pacific